Ahona Paul is a visual artist based in Brooklyn, New York. They are currently pursuing their Bachelor of Fine Arts at The New School (Parsons School of Design), set to graduate in the spring of 2025. They are a citizen of Bangladesh, but have lived around the world since young. They’ve had shows and exhibitions with friends and local artists in Cambodia, where they lived before moving to the United States. In New York, they’ve shown their work at the Grace Exhibition Space as part of the Pixelmouth collective’s seasonal exhibition.

Paul is currently focusing on their thesis, and compiling a body of work that encompasses their main theme; identities and belonging. They are a multimedia artist that works with drawing, painting, fabrics and textiles, and technology. They are open to possible collaborations with other artists and practitioners in the creative or tech fields!

All works in this portfolio are the artist’s own original work, unless stated otherwise. Only the artist, Ahona Paul, reserves the right to copy, distribute and sell prints or copies of the work.